Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

A good cable for iPhone

Get Em Up Explicit

Get Em Up Explicit

O.K. so here's my experience. First off, I am not electronically inclined. I purchased an IPOD Touch and wanted to be able to use it in my truck with the AUX cable hook-up. I asked my tech savvy friend what kind of cable I should get. He told me not to pay more than a dollar for one because he could find me a cable for mere cents on EBAY. Of course I jumped at this opportunity.

The cable arrived to me in about 5-6 weeks(I'm not exaggerating). The reason for that I came to find out was that it was shipped in a plastic bag from China. O.K, that's fine. When i went to first use it, it worked fine. About two days later, it started malfunctioning to the point that I just ripped the cable out the jack and threw it out the window (into a trash can of course).

I then attempted to order another cable of the same price from China again. I thought I just had originally gotten a bad cable. The same problems arose with this new cable and he soon joined his buddy in the neighborhood trash can. Finally, I said enough is enough. I found this cable on amazon and it had received good reviews. So i forked out the $8 for it and am so happy I did. The sound quality between this cable and the ones from China is night and day. There's no static at all. I highly recommend this product. Don't be cheap like I was. Just fork over the very reasonable $8 and you won't have to go through all the trouble I did just to get quality sound from your IPOD. TRUST ME!!!

Get your Get Em Up Explicit Now!

7 komentar:

  1. I'm a little bored at the moment and i would really like to know what are some good love songs or hip hop/rap songs? im really into people like lil wayne, t.i, t-pain, kanye west, secondhand serenade, ect.

  2. I am a homosexual christian and I have just read this book that made em think about whether or not it really is a sin. The Bible says it explicitly in several places, but for some reason, from what I have read in this book, it has been explained that some of those references may not have been so explicit and may have meant something else. I have prayed about it and something still seems wrong. Any insights?

  3. I just need to quickly learn about bending moments on a beam. Really simple stuff. I've seen some stuff, but am a little bit confused as to how to calculate moments around a specific point when there is an explicit moment on the beam (as well as other forces). I wish i could post the picture here and have someone help me solve it, but that is not available. Anything would help. Thanks guys and gals!

  4. I wanna know if i can buy it at wal-mart or not cuz i like the explict (or whatever its called) versions better and they dont sell em at wall mart. thanks.

  5. I was txting my friend and I made a joke so, he called me a pervert. Later on, I asked my other friend, who is really perverted, if he thought I was a pervert. He replied, yes. I know I have a dirty mind for a girl, but I never though I was a pervert. So, what exactly is the difference between being a pervert and having a dirty mind?

  6. I know a couple of persons who prefer foreign films:, :much more explicit: they say; however, as a slower-reader myself, "I find the captions are harder to keep up with", and "as I tend to get a head ache after a while: "yet they are generally done well".

  7. I am planning on buying the newer books for my father for Father's Day. He loves western books (not many are sold in books stores or even available) and I have no idea what he has already read, I just know that he hasn't read most recent since probably 2000. This is why I want to buy this series, so he can keep reading. Does it make sense to read them out of order? Or is it necessary to read them in order?
