Absolute BLS 6904 Series Inches Speakers

These speakers rock! Look at the reviews by other people! What these other audophiles have written remains true for me as well.
I had a pair of Altec Lansing speakers for the past 10 years. They were good (at 27 watts, they werent great) but I was ready to update to something better. I dont have room for surround sound with 5.1 speakers, so I knew I needed a 2.1 set. Klipsch has been making speakers and audio products for a long time, so it is a brand you can trust. After reading these reviews and finding them on sale on Amazon, I bought them (I would keep checking Amazon to see their prices - they change from time to time and I bought mine when they were on sale with free shipping).
I set them up at home, got them ready and put a CD into my computer. It came out loud. It came out clear. And the bass rattled my wall, pictures, and my bones. I have had other fantastic stereo systems before - in my car, TV surround sound, etc. However, I have never heard bass match the music so cleanly. On lesser speakers, you will hear music from the sattellites and every once and a while, you will hear a thump from the bass, like it just needs to thump to make sure it is working. The ProMedia 2.1 speakers are different. The subwoofer has an exit tube for the bass sound and a covered speaker for additional sound. Which means that when you are listening to music, sound comes out of the two satellites and the subwoofer and the same time, blending the bass and music perfectly. I think that is what impressed me the most. Yes, you can make these speakers extremely loud. Yes, you can turn the bass up high enough to bring down a small building. Yes, your vision will blur if you put your head near the subwoofer while its on. All of those things are impressive, but I think the fact that it matches the music so perfectly makes these speakers the best on the market.
I also tested a DVD, Star Wars Episode 2, since the speakers are THX certified. I used the scene when Jenga Fett chases Obi-Wan throught the asteroid field. Since it is only two speakers, the directional ability of the sound is not as effective - in this case, the movie sounds better on my TV surround sound set. But for computer speakers, the ProMedia speaker sounded great. I would have no problem watching movies on my computer knowing that I was getting high quality sound. And since that subwoofer is kicking out so much bass, you can feel the explosions in the movie.
As for games, which is really what I use my computer for, there is no comparison. Other speakers in this price range dont stand a chance in terms of sound quality, clarity, bass and range. I started playing some levels in Half-Life 2, and indeed there are things I have never heard before. There are birds chirping in the background in some level! But the best thing is that these speakers handled the sound of a bird just as well has it handled the sound of my shotgun blasting an explosive barrel. Everything just sounded so good. I tried other games and each one sounded better than anything else I have ever heard on my computer. The speakers have made a big difference in my game playing experience.
Overall, I highly recommend these speakers. I dont update my computer hardware very often, but when I do, I make sure to get the best. These speakers will change you computer listening experience. They will handle any media - CD, DVD, and games. They will do so any way you wish - you can adjust the subwoofer all the way to off if you perfer not to destroy your apartment. This speaker set is capable of handling anything you want. You wont be sorry if you use these speakers. Buy. Setup. Enjoy.
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Absolute BLS 6904 Series Inches Speakers Now!